TECHNICAL MEANS and "modus operandi" (how we work!)
For the phases of production, the Company IMMAGINE PCA works with broadcast equipment (DVCam SD, HD and 4K) accompanied by all the necessary accessories for optimal shooting from outdoor, by the sea, air and underwater, as well as for indoors (stands, arms , Stadycam, gimbal, drone, monopods, lamps, and wireless microphones). In many cases real non-linear editing stations are taken to the below to start a first stage of post-production. All image processing systems consist of Mac Pro systems and the editing software is FINAL CUT PRO. The final product (master) comes into the desired standard and has an extensive network of partnerships with qualified companies, networks and institutions for duplication, circulation and disclosures.
The Company IMMAGINE PCA also work with Ultra High Definition devices for the most qualified productions recording directly to XQD cards that provide the highest video quality and without any compression during both production and post-production. The Company IMMAGINE PCA is also specialized in 3D computer graphics and special effects. The evolution of camera technology allows us to offer shots at 360 ° (dome, interactive360 and other formats) and filming in 3D.
We have planes and boats for easy mobility, to host crews and researchers to conduct and filming researches, expeditions and campaigns to qualify the productions.
On Boat, all the amenities to accommodate (Sleeps 10), to communicate (WiFi - GSM - Satellite - PC) and to conducting searches, filming and editing. |